July 11, 2018 Just as our practice was about to start this afternoon, the students broke into a birthday song for one of the girls. They placed her in a plastic chair, sat her in the middle of the

July 5, 2018 'Step out of your comfort zone.' How often do we invite, encourage, challenge those we work with or teach to take such a step? Certainly in the arts we regular encourage this. Yet how often to

May 24, 2018 Every three or four days I encounter a lone bat.  Tonight, my final night in Samoa this time around, a bat sailed silently overhead just as I was getting in my car to send out this

May 18, 2018 Nearly every morning that I step out of the Pago Inn, one gentleman connected with the hotel (though I am not completely aware how) calls out, “Good Morning, Daniel!” We’ve never been formally introduced and it

May 13, 2018 I’ve probably spent only 6 -10 days in my office during 2018. Part of that stems from my school-based work—in classrooms most of the day most days. Most of that results from traveling off-island so frequently,

April 9, 2018 You are never so much an individual as you are a community.  That's a line of dialog from my current play.  I wrote it with an intellectual sense of how it applies to the community I am writing about.

April 4, 2018 A storyteller I once interviewed on the island of Ujae said, "Listen to the other side of the story." Too often I (we?) enter a story (our own story?) with preconceived expectations and miss deeper or

March 29, 2018 "Those civilized might take a lesson from the humanity of these people to the shipwrecked." James F. O'Connell, 1836 Although I have not suffered a shipwreck, I do feel a bit adrift here in Pohnpei. I made

From the Scottish Journal of Performance Volume 2, Issue 1 I would highly recommend this text to teaching artists working in the drama/theatre field. The authors acknowledge their use of both ‘drama’ and ‘theatre’ in their title and justify their

November 27, 2009 From Carol T. Jones, Director, Alliance Theatre Institute for Educators and Teaching Artists 'The growing number of students for whom English is a second language creates new challenges for our teachers and schools. However, it also creates

November 27, 2009 From 'The History Teacher,' Vol. 39, No. 2, Feb. 2006 In today's standards-driven, accountability-heavy educational environment, it is easy to forget history's power to transform classroom instruction and activate the imagination and enthusiasm of students. Thankfully, Daniel

November 27, 2009 From 'Marvels & Tales,' April 01, 2004, Julie Walsh Kroeker This collection of legends and stories from the Marshall Islands begins with acknowledgments and an introduction by the collector and editor that convey his enthusiasm and gratitude

Blog #4 During our welcoming event to this workshop process I am now deeply engaged in, a student of the LNCT college at which we are staying asked how an actor feels if he works so hard but doesn't

Blog #3 The insistent banging on my dorm room door at midnight caused me to nearly fall out of bed.  I in no way expected such a shocker despite the fact that midnight meant the beginning of Christmas here