August 14, 2016 Time and Experience dated for a while. Time felt it was the right Experience for him. Experience felt it was the right Time for her. But sadly there was never enough Time for Experience and Experience

August 5, 2016 Twenty-five years ago I first ventured to the Marshall Islands. In that one week, I felt as if I were doing nothing. My host said, ‘you’re getting to know the place for when you return.’ While

July 23, 2015 In the first days of the program, the students listen with a kind of quizzical, blank look.  When they stand to answer a question or introduce themselves—wait, strike that—IF they stand and IF they answer and

July 18, 2015 I flung the incentive out to our trainees.  If we could all stay focused on the task of the day—rehearsing all of our songs and short performances—we could finish the day early. For me, this was an

July 13, 2015 I sat at the back of the tin-roofed community room, a stiflingly hot building in which we were conducting our youth-oriented training.  I sat there to watch the interactions of the young trainees so I could

July 7, 2015 I resisted writing a follow-up to my last blog.  It ended as the electricity in my apartment, and mine alone, went out.  It made for a brutal night of a stiflingly hot sleep.  I was, at

July 5, 2015 As I walked to the waiting area for my morning flight, I glanced into the gate area where I first left for the Marshall Islands in 1990.  Several memories flickered through my imagination. The tall Marshallese

July 6, 2013 As I sat in in the center of the newly-dedicated, freshly painted outdoor cement basketball court, surrounded by a couple of hundred local folks watching youth I had worked with perform, it dawned on me that

June 29, 2013 Here I learn to let go of control. I face the need to ‘go with the flow’ and embrace the uncertainty.  Now, I can hear my artistic colleagues saying, ‘Yeah, man, it’s good to just go

June 26, 2013 Every day I recognize a face.  I only occasionally have the opportunity to talk to the individual, as they trundle by in a car or truck, or I see them leaving a store just as I

June 21, 2013 Day one, drama training.  Today marks the 20th anniversary of my first summer drama training in the Marshall Islands.  Although the summers have tapered off to one every few years since the 10th anniversary, the experience

June 21, 2013 I arrived.  The Marshall Islands once again becomes my home, for three weeks anyway.  Four years brings changes to everyone and everything, but great joys accompanies a return when once upon friends reach out to welcome

July 24, 2014 On any given morning, a crowd of sounds permeates the school campus. AS the sky flickers into light, a competition between wind and birds proceeds. The wind blusters, hard, at times grabbing focus and obliterating all