July 16, 2014 Guru Purnima. The celebration of the first yogi.  Despite the holiday, I still taught two classes. As the students and I quietly explored mythology and revolution, little did I know that thousands of people were gathering

July 14, 2014 Humans respect fame.  With wide-eyed awe, wonder or even love we approach those who have achieved fame of any sort, slightly jealous and a bit touched that they allow us to share a moment with them,

July 12, 2014 The artistic director of the Aazhi Children’s Theatre Group conducted a week long residency at the ISHA Home School in the South Indian city of Coimbatore. At the residency’s culmination, the children he worked with performed

July 10, 2014 Nearly a decade ago I first arrived in India: an immense stranger to me at the time.  Apropos then that I arrived in the dark of midnight.  Two hours or so I sweated through an intense

July 4, 2014 Conference over I headed South.  To Cleveland.  How does one end up in Cleveland upon leaving Brisbane? By train of course.  A direct shot.  But then why Cleveland? You might wonder.  End of the line.  Far

July 2, 2014 The art of teaching, the teaching of art.  Here I am at the International Teaching Artist Conference listening a whole lot about work that folks are doing in settings across the globe.  Two feelings pop out

July 2, 2014 A city named most desirable to inhabit.  Despite the brisk cold exacerbated by the never tiring wind, the warmth of this town try invites you to enjoy it's people friendly atmosphere.  Goodness, we're in the middle of