[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the past, when engaged in international work, I wrote blogs once a week as I encountered new experiences on a quite regular basis. Having now traveled, worked and lived throughout India over multiple years, I encounter fewer

Nov. 17, 2022 After 17 years of visiting, working and occasionally living in India, I find myself relating to the place more like home than a temporary visit.  I've been in Agartala for 3 weeks this time around

Oct 26, 2020 I awoke one morning not so long ago with a very sore forearm.  I didn't realize it at first, but upon trying to lift an insulated hydro flask, a sharp pain caused me to nearly drop

July 19, 2020 I have been absent from writing because I have been absent from traveling, one of the many depravations that we have all had to deal with during this seeming endless interruption to our lives. Now facing

January 2 I do not really believe in the idea of fate. I find myself more drawn to a philosophy based on chaos. So many variables ping-pong off of each other, making it hard for me to accept that

Dec. 24 Fair warning, dear reader, this blog might occasionally be political in nature. Recently, protests broke out in Northeast India in opposition to a citizenship bill passed by the federal government that seemingly favored certain races over others .

Dec. 14 "The Artist is no other than he who unlearns what he has learned, in order to know himself,” E.E. Cummings Quotations have the wonderful propensity of popping up in one’s life when one is best ready to receive

Dec. 4 In The Muppet Movie, Kermit and friends are driving across the country to make it famous in Hollywood. When they encounter Gonzo, they ask where he is headed. Gonzo replies, “To Bombay to be a movie star.”

Nov. 23 I find myself in an unusual situation. I don’t feel as though I have much to write about! ‘How can that be?’ I hear someone question. ‘You’ve been in India for three months!’ While that statement accurately

Nov. 12 The current ‘batch’ (as they are referred to) of National School of Drama students (20 people primarily in their early 20’s) are enrolled in a one year certificate program during which multiple instructors offer a multitude of

Oct. 30 I serve as guest faculty for the National School of Drama, Theatre-in-Education wing, Tripura. The main campus of the National School of Drama lives in Delhi. It is considered the premiere school for theatre training in India.

Oct. 24 Bing. Bang. Shout. A morning walla’s staccato cries. Piercing the morning air comes a muffled megaphone of music. Click here for sounds outside my home. The clang of bells for prayer. The caw of ravens searching for breakfast. A slowly building

Oct. 15 Starting this blog has proved tricky. I’ve stared at the computer for quite some time. Maybe my lingering sickness has contributed, but it could also be that I have recently moved into a new accommodation adjacent to

Oct. 7 Leaving Delhi required both my friend and I to rise early, him earlier than I. After he met me at my guest house, we cabbed it to the airport for a final good-bye. I am deeply thankful

Oct. 2 As night settled in, we summoned a bicycle rickshaw.  The driver pushed off directly into oncoming traffic, a blur of headlights heading directly in our direction. Despite the rush of adrenaline, we had to let the bicyclist